Configure and manage Plastic SCM

튜토리얼 및 방법

Plastic SCM에서 모든 종류의 작업을 수행하는 방법에 대한 지침입니다.

Administrator’s guide
Covers everything about configuring the server, installing, setup locks if needed, doing backups, archiving revisions, config files, and licenses.
Security guide
Learn how to perform basic security actions. This guide is full of examples that you can use to solve specific cases.
Version control for non-developers. If you need to work on a single branch with locks, use this guide.
This guide explains how you can customize Plastic's behavior. For example, learn how to enforce policies like ensuring branches follow a given naming convention.
Cloud extension
Enterprise Edition에 Cloud extension을 추가하는 방법을 알아보십시오. Plastic SCM의 클라우드 서비스가 어떻게 운영되는지 살펴보십시오.
Cloud Edition
호스팅 버전 관리 솔루션인 Plastic Cloud Edition의 사용법을 알아보십시오.
cm find
Plastic에서 'cm find'를 사용해 브랜치, 체인지 세트 및 다른 유형의 객체를 쿼리하는 방법을 살펴보십시오.
명령줄에서 일반적인 작업을 수행하는 방법을 알아보십시오.​
Learn how to do component-oriented development with Xlinks.

Git 상호 운용성

Plastic이 어떻게 Git 서버 및 Git 클라이언트 역할을 수행할 수 있는지 살펴보십시오.

Git 클라이언트가 Plastic SCM 서버를 Git 서버로 간주하도록 Plastic SCM 서버를 설정하는 방법을 설명합니다.
Plastic을 Git 클라이언트로 사용하고, GitHub 또는 다른 Git 서비스를 대상으로 내보내기/가져오기를 수행하는 방법을 설명합니다.
Plastic for Git users
If you're a Git user, find out what stays and what changes if you move from Git to Plastic.

레퍼런스 가이드

전체 내용을 읽어야 하는 가이드가 아닌 참고 자료로 이 자료를 활용하시기 바랍니다.

Graphical user interface
A reference of the features in the GUIs.​
작업 및 이슈 추적기
Plastic을 Jira 또는 Polarion과 같은 이슈 추적기와 상호 작용하도록 구성하는 방법을 알아보십시오. 이 가이드에는 이슈 추적 시스템과의 자체적인 통합을 생성하는 방법도 포함되어 있습니다.
External parsers
How to develop support for new languages for the Plastic semantic features.​​
분산형 버전 관리
사용자 인증이 여러 서버에서 어떻게 작동하는지 살펴보십시오.

DevOps with Plastic SCM

There are two main ways to implement DevOps in Plastic SCM: using mergebots or delegating the leadership to a Continuous Integration system.

DevOps driven by mergebots:
mergebot: the story of our DevOps initiative
Explains what mergebots are and how they can help you implement DevOps.
Add a mergebot to your repo
A practical example and tour through a working DevOps implementation driven by a mergebot.
Configure mergebots using config files
Explains how to manually configure mergebots without WebAdmin assistance.
Plastic SCM DevOps: Custom plugs
Explains how to develop plugs: the connectors between mergebots and systems such as Slack, email, etc.
Plastic SCM DevOps: Custom mergebots
Explains how to develop your own bots.
DevOps driven by the CI system:
A DevOps Primer
An explanation of DevOps and how it is implemented with Plastic.​
DevOps with Bamboo and Plastic
This guide contains a practical example explaining how to implement a DevOps cycle with Plastic and Bamboo.
DevOps with Bamboo: connecting to Jira
This guide expands on the previous example and explains how to take advantage of the extra info provided by the issue tracker.
DevOps with TeamCity
An alternative implementation of DevOps, this time using JetBrains' TeamCity CI system.

Blog highlights​

We regularly publish content on our blog. Here a few highlighted posts.

Plastic SCM vs. Git
How Plastic compares to Git.
All the software we write
If you want to learn more about the work we do and the software we develop.​
The story of Jet
Plastic’s super-fast repo storage. Find out why we use Jet as the default storage and why it is faster than the other alternatives.
CyberFlex - Jira, TeamCity, and Plastic integration
CyberFlex, one of our customers, share their CI implementation.
Track refactored code across files with Plastic SCM
It explains some of the semantic features in Plastic SCM.​
Using history to better explain branch differences
Delves into how Plastic enriches diffs with info from the file history.​
The history of version control
How version controls have evolved through the years.
Diff math
This blog explains some uncommon facts of very common diffs.​

The Plastic SCM API

Plastic에 자체 툴을 빌드하는 옵션에 대해 알아보십시오.

Client-side REST API reference guide.
Server-side REST API reference guide. An easy way to automate Plastic.
Plastic 명령줄을 자동화하는 C# 라이브러리입니다.


If you are a Git user, check out this guide

Compare Plastic SCM with other version control systems in the Comparison matrix.


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