Welcome to the Plastic SCM client REST API documentation!
This API allows programmers to perform Plastic client operations in their machine, provided that a Plastic client is already in place and configured.
It's implemented in a REST fashion, meaning that virtually any language can interact with it through HTTP connections. Each of the supported Plastic client operations is exposed using a different URI and HTTP method. You read the detailed endpoint documentation for further information.
Executing commands through the Plastic REST API is straightforward. Use your programming language of choice and perform an HTTP request against the appropriate URI by setting the HTTP method matching your targeted endpoint and including the request body format stated by said endpoint.
The API requests are received by a simple, standalone HTTP server, exposed by the cm api command.
C:\Program Files\PlasticSCM5\client
You can execute the cm api HTTP server application in a shell by running the cm api command.
This is how the cm api command syntax looks like:
cm api [(-p | --port) <portnumber>] [-r | --remote]The available parameters are:
-p <port-number>
- Tells the server to listen on port <port-number>
of 9090.
- Allows incoming remote connections. This means connections that come from other hosts instead of
the local one.
The cm api does not start
If the API does not start, the following message displays:
Unable to start the REST API listener. Please make sure that you have HTTP permissions for the current port and user.The most common issue that prevents the start of the cm api is that the Plastic SCM user is not configured.
The user running cm api must have a valid Plastic SCM client configuration with the Plastic SCM server. To validate this requirement, open a command line shell from the same user account running cm api and type cm checkconnection.
If the command output shows Test connection executed successfully, the Plastic SCM configuration is valid. Otherwise, follow the instructions shown by the command output.
package com.codice.examples; import com.codice.examples.actions.CreateRepositoryAction; import com.codice.examples.actions.RenameAction; import com.codice.examples.models.Repository; import retrofit.Callback; import retrofit.RestAdapter; import retrofit.RetrofitError; import retrofit.client.Response; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; public class Program { static IApi apiClient; static Scanner in; static String instructions = "1 - List repositories (cm repository list)\n" + "2 - Create a repository (cm repository create)\n" + "3 - Rename a repository (cm repository rename)\n" + "4 - Delete a repository (cm repository delete)\n" + "\n" + "Select an option (1/2/3/4): "; static void initApiClient() { RestAdapter adapter = new RestAdapter.Builder() .setEndpoint("http://localhost:9090") .build(); apiClient = adapter.create(IApi.class); } static void listRepositories() { List<Repository> repositories = apiClient.getRepositories(); for(Repository repo : repositories) { System.out.println(String.format("%d_%d %s %s", repo.getRepId().getId(), repo.getRepId().getModuleId(), repo.getName(), repo.getServer())); } } static void createRepository() { System.out.print("Write a name for the repository: "); String name = in.nextLine(); System.out.print("Write the direction of the server: "); String server = in.nextLine(); CreateRepositoryAction action = new CreateRepositoryAction(name, server); Repository newRepo = apiClient.createRepository(action); System.out.println(String.format( "Repository %s successfully created!", newRepo.getName())); } static void renameRepository() { listRepositories(); System.out.print("Write the name of the repository to rename: "); String repository = in.nextLine(); System.out.print(String.format("Write a new name for %s: ", repository)); String newName = in.nextLine(); RenameAction action = new RenameAction(newName); Repository renamedRepo = apiClient.renameRepository(repository, action); System.out.println( String.format("Repository %s successfully renamed to %s.", repository, renamedRepo.getName()) ); } static void deleteRepository() { listRepositories(); System.out.print("Write the name of the repository to delete: "); String repository = in.nextLine(); apiClient.deleteRepository(repository, new Callback<Void>() { @Override public void success(Void aVoid, Response response) { // Retrofit limitation. Here, we should only check the // status code. System.out.println("Repository successfully deleted!"); } @Override public void failure(RetrofitError retrofitError) { } }); } public static void main(String[] args) { initApiClient(); System.out.print(instructions); in = new Scanner(System.in); String optionStr = in.nextLine(); int option; try { option = Integer.valueOf(optionStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { option = 1; } switch (option) { case 1: default: listRepositories(); break; case 2: createRepository(); break; case 3: renameRepository(); break; case 4: deleteRepository(); break; } } }
package com.codice.examples.actions; import com.sun.istack.internal.NotNull; public class CreateRepositoryAction { private String name; private String server; public CreateRepositoryAction(@NotNull String name, @NotNull String server) { this.name = name; this.server = server; } } package com.codice.examples.actions; import com.sun.istack.internal.NotNull; public class RenameAction { private String name; public RenameAction(@NotNull String name) { this.name = name; } }
package com.codice.examples.models; public class Owner { private String name; private boolean isGroup; public String getName() { return name; } public boolean isGroup() { return isGroup; } } package com.codice.examples.models; public class RepId { private int id; private int moduleId; public int getId() { return id; } public int getModuleId() { return moduleId; } } package com.codice.examples.models; import java.util.UUID; public class Repository { private RepId repId; private Owner owner; private String name; private UUID guid; private String server; public RepId getRepId() { return repId; } public Owner getOwner() { return owner; } public String getName() { return name; } public UUID getGuid() { return guid; } public String getServer() { return server; } }
package com.codice.examples; import com.codice.examples.actions.CreateRepositoryAction; import com.codice.examples.actions.RenameAction; import com.codice.examples.models.Repository; import retrofit.Callback; import retrofit.http.*; import java.util.List; public interface IApi { @GET("/api/v1/repos") List<Repository> getRepositories(); @POST("/api/v1/repos") Repository createRepository(@Body CreateRepositoryAction params); @PUT("/api/v1/repos/{repname}") Repository renameRepository(@Path("repname") String repositoryName, @Body RenameAction params); @DELETE("/api/v1/repos/{repname}") void deleteRepository(@Path("repname") String repositoryName, Callback<Void> callback); // Retrofit limitation. }
using Csharp_examples.Actions; using Csharp_examples.Models; using Csharp_examples.Utils; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Csharp_examples { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Write(mActions); string optionStr = Console.ReadLine(); int option; Int32.TryParse(optionStr, out option); switch (option) { case 1: default: ListRepositories(); break; case 2: CreateRepository(); break; case 3: RenameRepository(); break; case 4: DeleteRepository(); break; } } static void ListRepositories() { List<Repository> repositories = ApiUtils.ReadRepositoryList().Result; foreach (Repository repo in repositories) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format(" {0}_{1} {2} {3}", repo.RepId.Id, repo.RepId.ModuleId, repo.Name, repo.Server)); } } static void CreateRepository() { Console.Write("Write a name for the repository: "); string name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Write the direction of the server: "); string server = Console.ReadLine(); CreateRepository action = new CreateRepository() { Name = name, Server = server }; Repository newRepo = ApiUtils.CreateRepository(action).Result; Console.Write(string.Format("Repository {0} successfully created!", newRepo.Name)); } static void RenameRepository() { ListRepositories(); Console.Write("Write the name of the repository to rename: "); string repository = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write(string.Format("Write a new name for {0}: ", repository)); string newName = Console.ReadLine(); Rename action = new Rename() { Name = newName }; Repository renamedRepo = ApiUtils.RenameRepository(repository, action).Result; Console.Write(string.Format("Repository {0} successfully renamed to {1}.", repository, renamedRepo.Name)); } static void DeleteRepository() { ListRepositories(); Console.Write("Write the name of the repository to delete: "); string repository = Console.ReadLine(); ApiUtils.DeleteRepository(repository).Wait(); Console.Write(string.Format("Repository {0} successfully deleted!", repository)); } static string mActions = @"1 - List repositories (cm repository list) 2 - Create a repository (cm repository create) 3 - Rename a repository (cm repository rename) 4 - Delete a repository (cm repository delete) Select an option (1/2/3/4): "; } }
namespace Csharp_examples.Actions { public class CreateRepository { public string Name { get; set; } public string Server { get; set; } } } namespace Csharp_examples.Actions { public class Rename { public string Name { get; set; } } }
namespace Csharp_examples.Models { public class Owner { public string Name { get; set; } public bool IsGroup { get; set; } } } namespace Csharp_examples.Models { public class RepId { public int Id { get; set; } public int ModuleId { get; set; } } } using System; namespace Csharp_examples.Models { public class Repository { public RepId RepId { get; set; } public Owner Owner { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public Guid Guid { get; set; } public string Server { get; set; } } }
using Csharp_examples.Actions; using Csharp_examples.Models; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net.Http; using System.Net.Http.Headers; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Csharp_examples.Utils { public class ApiUtils { static HttpClient GetHttpClient() { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:9090/"); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add( new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); return client; } public static async Task<List<Repository>> ReadRepositoryList() { HttpClient client = GetHttpClient(); using (client) { HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("api/v1/repos"); if (response.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) throw new Exception(string.Format( "API Status Code {0}. Expected OK.", response.StatusCode)); return await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<List<Repository>>(); } } public static async Task<Repository> CreateRepository(CreateRepository createParams) { HttpClient client = GetHttpClient(); using (client) { HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("api/v1/repos", createParams); if (response.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) throw new Exception(string.Format( "API Status Code {0}. Expected OK.", response.StatusCode)); return await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<Repository>(); } } public static async Task<Repository> RenameRepository(string repositoryName, Rename renameParam) { HttpClient client = GetHttpClient(); string uri = string.Format("api/v1/repos/{0}", repositoryName); using (client) { HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PutAsJsonAsync(uri, renameParam); if (response.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) throw new Exception(string.Format( "API Status Code {0}. Expected OK.", response.StatusCode)); return await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<Repository>(); } } public static async Task DeleteRepository(string repositoryName) { HttpClient client = GetHttpClient(); string uri = string.Format("api/v1/repos/{0}", repositoryName); using (client) { HttpResponseMessage response = await client.DeleteAsync(uri); if (response.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NoContent) throw new Exception(string.Format( "API Status Code {0}. Expected NoContent.", response.StatusCode)); } } } }
import sys import requests __api_url = "http://localhost:9090/api/v1" def print_repositories(repositories): line = "{0} {1} {2}" for repo in repositories: print(line.format(repo["repId"]["id"], repo["name"], repo["server"])) def get_repositories(): url = __api_url + "/repos" req = requests.get(url) if req.status_code is 200: return req.json() print("The repository list could not be retrieved.", file=sys.stderr) exit(-1) def main(): try: print_repositories(get_repositories()) except requests.RequestException as e: print(e) exit(-1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import sys import requests __api_url = "http://localhost:9090/api/v1" def create_repository(name, server): url = __api_url + "/repos" params = {"name": name, "server": server} req = requests.post(url, params) if req.status_code is not 200: print("The repository could not be created", file=sys.stderr) exit(-1) def main(): name = input("Write a name for the new repository: ") server = input("Enter the PlasticSCM server address: ") try: create_repository(name, server) except requests.RequestException as e: print(e) exit(-1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import sys import requests __api_url = "http://localhost:9090/api/v1" def print_repositories(repositories): line = "{0} {1} {2}" for repo in repositories: print(line.format(repo["repId"]["id"], repo["name"], repo["server"])) def get_repositories(): url = __api_url + "/repos" req = requests.get(url) if req.status_code is 200: return req.json() print("The repository list could not be retrieved.", file=sys.stderr) exit(-1) def rename_repo(old_name, new_name): url = __api_url + "/repos/" + old_name params = {"name": new_name} req = requests.put(url, params) if req.status_code is not 200: print("The repository could not be created.", file=sys.stderr) exit(-1) def main(): try: print_repositories(get_repositories()) old_name = input("\nWrite the name of the repository to rename: ") new_name = input("Write a new name for the repository " + old_name + ": ") rename_repo(old_name, new_name) print_repositories(get_repositories()) except requests.RequestException as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) exit(-1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import sys import requests __api_url = "http://localhost:9090/api/v1" def print_repositories(repositories): line = "{0} {1} {2}" for repo in repositories: print(line.format(repo["repId"]["id"], repo["name"], repo["server"])) def get_repositories(): url = __api_url + "/repos" req = requests.get(url) if req.status_code is 200: return req.json() print("The repository list could not be retrieved.", file=sys.stderr) exit(-1) def remove_repo(name): url = __api_url + "/repos/" + name req = requests.delete(url) if req.status_code is not 204: print("The repository could not be deleted", file=sys.stderr) exit(-1) def main(): try: print_repositories(get_repositories()) repo = input("Write the name of the repository to delete: ") remove_repo(repo) print_repositories(get_repositories()) except requests.RequestException as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) exit(-1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import sys import requests __api_url = "http://localhost:9090/api/v1" def print_workspaces(wkspaces): line = "Name: {0}, path: {1}" for wkspace in wkspaces: print(line.format(wkspace["name"], wkspace["path"])) def get_workspaces(): url = __api_url + "/wkspaces" req = requests.get(url) if req.status_code is 200: return req.json() print("Workspace list could not be retrieved.", file=sys.stderr) exit(-1) def main(): try: print_workspaces(get_workspaces()) except requests.RequestException as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) exit(-1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import sys import requests __api_url = "http://localhost:9090/api/v1" def print_repositories(repositories): line = "{0} {1} {2}" for repo in repositories: print(line.format(repo["repId"]["id"], repo["name"], repo["server"])) def get_repositories(): url = __api_url + "/repos" req = requests.get(url) if req.status_code is 200: return req.json() print("The repository list could not be retrieved.", file=sys.stderr) exit(-1) def create_workspace(name, path, repository): url = __api_url + "/wkspaces" params = {"name": name, "path": path, "repository": repository} req = requests.post(url, params) if req.status_code is not 200: print("The workspace could not be created.", file=sys.stderr) exit(-1) def main(): try: print_repositories(get_repositories()) repository = input("Write the name of a repository to create a new workspace to: ") name = input("Write the name for the new workspace: ") path = input("Write the path for the new workspace: ") create_workspace(name, path, repository) except requests.RequestException as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) exit(-1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import sys import requests __api_url = "http://localhost:9090/api/v1" def print_workspaces(wkspaces): line = "Name: {0}, path: {1}" for wkspace in wkspaces: print(line.format(wkspace["name"], wkspace["path"])) def get_workspaces(): url = __api_url + "/wkspaces" req = requests.get(url) if req.status_code is 200: return req.json() print("Workspace list could not be retrieved.", file=sys.stderr) exit(-1) def remove_workspace(name): url = __api_url + "/wkspaces/" + name req = requests.delete(url) if req.status_code is not 204: print("The workspace could not be deleted.", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-1) def main(): try: print_workspaces(get_workspaces()) name = input("Write the name of the workspace to delete: ") remove_workspace(name) except requests.RequestException as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) exit(-1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
GET /api/v1/repos
Status: 200 OK
[ { "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "name": "default", "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } ]
GET /api/v1/repos/:repname
Status: 200 OK
{ "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "name": "default", "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" }
POST /api/v1/repos
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | Required. The name of the new repository. |
server | string | The target server where the repository should be created. |
{ "name": "repName", "server": "myserver:8084" }
The repository data will be returned once the operation is complete.
Status: 200 OK
{ "repId": { "id": 2, "moduleId": 0 }, "name": "repName", "guid": "c45b8af3-1a10-d31f-baca-c00590d12456", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "myserver:8084" }
PUT /api/v1/repos/:repname
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | Required. The new name for the repository. |
{ "name": "newName" }
The updated repository data will be returned once the operation is complete.
Status: 200 OK
{ "repId": { "id": 2, "moduleId": 0 }, "name": "newName", "guid": "c45b8af3-1a10-d31f-baca-c00590d12456", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "myserver:8084" }
DELETE /api/v1/repos/:repname
Status: 204 No Content
GET /api/v1/wkspaces
Status: 200 OK
[ { "name": "my_wk", "guid": "e93518f8-20a6-4534-a7c6-f3d9ebac45cb", "path": "c:\\path\\to\\workspace", "machineName": "MACHINE" } ]
GET /api/v1/wkspaces/:wkname
Status: 200 OK
{ "name": "my_wk", "guid": "e93518f8-20a6-4534-a7c6-f3d9ebac45cb", "path": "c:\\path\\to\\workspace", "machineName": "MACHINE" }
POST /api/v1/wkspaces
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | Required. The name of the new workspace. |
path | string | Required. The target path where the repository should be created. |
repository | string | The source repository for the new workspace. |
{ "name": "new_wk", }
The workspace data will be returned once the operation is complete.
Status: 200 OK
{ "name": "new_wk" "guid": "ed3248d2-5591-407a-94e6-84dac0ce015b" "path": "c:\\the\\path\\to\\new_wk" "machineName": "MACHINE" }
PUT /api/v1/wkspaces/:wkname
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | Required. The new name for the workspace. |
{ "name": "newName" }
The updated workspace data will be returned once the operation is complete.
Status: 200 OK
{ "name": "newName" "guid": "ed3248d2-5591-407a-94e6-84dac0ce015b" "path": "c:\\the\\path\\to\\new_wk" "machineName": "MACHINE" }
DELETE /api/v1/wkspaces/:wkname
Status: 204 No Content
GET /api/v1/repos/:repname/branches
Name | Type | Description |
q | string | An optional constraints string using the cm find command syntax. |
GET http://localhost:9090/api/v1/repos/myrepo/branches?q=id > 50
Status: 200 OK
[ { "name": "/main/task001/task002", "id": 1388, "parentId": 1067, "lastChangeset": 1383, "comment": "Testing: implement new smoke tests.", "creationDate": "2015-06-30T15:18:08", "guid": "0ced86fe-37cb-4801-8f6d-0081edb46d39", "owner": { "name": "codice-master", "isGroup": false }, "repository": { "name": "mainrepo", "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } } ]
GET /api/v1/repos/:repname/branches/:branchname
Request example
GET /api/v1/repos/mainrepo/branches/main/task001/task002
Status: 200 OK
{ "name": "/main/task001/task002", "id": 1388, "parentId": 1067, "lastChangeset": 1383, "comment": "Testing: implement new smoke tests.", "creationDate": "2015-06-30T15:18:08", "guid": "0ced86fe-37cb-4801-8f6d-0081edb46d39", "owner": { "name": "codice-master", "isGroup": false }, "repository": { "name": "mainrepo", "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }
POST /api/v1/repos/:repname/branches
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | Required. The branch name. Do not use hierarchy here. |
originType | string | Required. The type of source to retrieve the parent changeset of the new branch. It can be changeset, label or branch. See examples for further detail. |
origin | string | Required. The point of origin from which the branch will be created. |
topLevel | boolean | Whether or not the branch will be top-level (i.e. it will have no parent). Set to false by default. |
{ "name": "newBranch", "originType": "branch", "origin": "/main/scm003", "topLevel": false }
{ "name": "newBranch", "originType": "label", "origin": "BL000", "topLevel": true }
{ "name": "newBranch", "originType": "changeset", "origin": "97", "topLevel": false }
The created branch info will be returned once the operation is complete.
Status: 200 OK
{ "name": "/main/scm003/newBranch", "id": 1395, "parentId": 1067, "lastChangeset": 1383, "creationDate": "2015-07-01T09:01:08", "guid": "3416a2b4-f88a-43b1-8319-3424bc23c77b", "owner": { "name": "tester", "isGroup": false }, "repository": { "name": "default", "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }
PATCH /api/v1/repos/:repname/branches/:branchname
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | Required. The new name for the branch. Please have in mind that branch hierarchy cannot be changed. |
{ "name": "/main/task001/task003" }
The updated branch info will be returned once the operation is complete.
Status: 200 OK
{ "name": "/main/task001/task003", "id": 1388, "parentId": 1067, "lastChangeset": 1383, "comment": "Testing: implement new smoke tests.", "creationDate": "2015-06-30T15:18:08", "guid": "0ced86fe-37cb-4801-8f6d-0081edb46d39", "owner": { "name": "codice-master", "isGroup": false }, "repository": { "name": "mainrepo", "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }
Only empty branches with no children can be removed.
DELETE /api/v1/repos/:repname/branches/:branchname
Status: 204 No Content
GET /api/v1/repos/:repname/labels
Name | Type | Description |
q | string | An optional constraints string using the cm find command syntax. |
GET http://localhost:9090/api/v1/repos/myrepo/labels?q=date > '2015-07-01'
Status: 200 OK
[ { "name": "BL000", "id": 1391, "changeset": 100, "comment": "", "creationDate": "2015-07-01T07:45:56", "branch": { "name": "/main", "id": 3, "parentId": -1, "lastChangeset": 101, "comment": "main branch", "creationDate": "2015-04-09T07:17:00", "guid": "5fc2d7c8-05e1-4987-9dd9-74eaec7c27eb", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "repository": { "name": "default", "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }, "owner": { "name": "tester", "isGroup": false }, "repository": { "name": "default", "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } } ]
GET /api/v1/repos/:repname/labels/:labelname
Status: 200 OK
{ "name": "BL000", "id": 1391, "changeset": 100, "branch": { "name": "/main", "id": 3, "parentId": -1, "lastChangeset": 101, "comment": "main branch", "creationDate": "2015-04-09T07:17:00", "guid": "5fc2d7c8-05e1-4987-9dd9-74eaec7c27eb", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "repository": { "name": "default", "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }, "comment": "", "creationDate": "2015-07-01T07:45:56", "owner": { "name": "tester", "isGroup": false } "repository": { "name": "default", "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }
POST /api/v1/repos/:repname/labels/
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | Required. The new name for the label. |
changeset | integer | Required. The changeset to label. |
comment | string | The comment to add to the label. |
applyToXlinks | boolean | If true, all xlinked changesets present in the specified changeset tree will be labelled as well. Set to false by default. |
{ "name": "BL001", "changeset": 99, "comment": "Stable baseline - 1", "applyToXlinks": false }
The created label info will be returned once the operation is complete.
Status: 200 OK
{ "name": "BL001", "id": 1401, "changeset": 99, "comment": "Stable baseline - 1", "creationDate": "2015-07-01T10:19:14", "branch": { "name": "/main", "id": 3, "parentId": -1, "lastChangeset": 101, "comment": "main branch", "creationDate": "2015-04-09T07:17:00", "guid": "5fc2d7c8-05e1-4987-9dd9-74eaec7c27eb", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "repository": { "name": "default", "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }, "owner": { "name": "tester", "isGroup": false }, "repository": { "name": "default", "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }
PATCH /api/v1/repos/:repname/labels/:labelname
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | Required. The new name for the label. |
{ "name": "v1.0.0", }
The updated label info will be returned once the operation is complete.
Status: 200 OK
{ "name": "v1.0.0", "id": 1401, "changeset": 99, "comment": "Stable baseline - 1", "creationDate": "2015-07-01T10:19:14", "branch": { "name": "/main", "id": 3, "parentId": -1, "lastChangeset": 101, "comment": "main branch", "creationDate": "2015-04-09T07:17:00", "guid": "5fc2d7c8-05e1-4987-9dd9-74eaec7c27eb", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "repository": { "name": "default", "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }, "owner": { "name": "tester", "isGroup": false }, "repository": { "name": "default", "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }
DELETE /api/v1/repos/:repname/labels/:labelname
Status: 204 No Content
GET /api/v1/repos/:repname/changesets
Name | Type | Description |
q | string | An optional constraints string using the cm find command syntax. |
GET http://localhost:9090/api/v1/repos/myrepo/changesets?q=date > '2015-07-01'
Status: 200 OK
[ { "id": 0, "parentId": -1, "comment": "Root dir", "creationDate": "2015-04-09T07:17:00", "guid": "0497ef04-4c81-4090-8458-649885400c84", "branch": { "name": "\/main", "id": 3, "parentId": -1, "lastChangeset": 101, "comment": "main branch", "creationDate": "2015-04-09T07:17:00", "guid": "5fc2d7c8-05e1-4987-9dd9-74eaec7c27eb", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "repository": { "name": "default", "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }, "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "repository": { "name": "default", "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }, ... ]
GET /api/v1/repos/:repname/branches/:branchname/changesets
Name | Type | Description |
q | string | An optional constraints string using the cm find command syntax. |
GET http://localhost:9090/api/v1/repos/myrepo/branches/main/changesets?q=changesetid > 50
Status: 200 OK
[ { "id": 77, "parentId": 76, "comment": "checkin TaskOnBranch test", "creationDate": "2015-06-02T08:59:12", "guid": "799e4fd3-1161-4f8f-be4f-067dbe98ed89", "branch": { "name": "/main/scm003", "id": 1067, "parentId": 3, "lastChangeset": 1383, "comment": "text\r\n", "creationDate": "2015-06-02T08:46:11", "guid": "e99e8843-9bd9-43eb-ad67-c170b516a032", "owner": { "name": "testing01", "isGroup": false }, "repository": { "name": "default", "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }, "owner": { "name": "testing01", "isGroup": false }, "repository": { "name": "default", "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } } ]
GET /api/v1/repos/:repname/changesets/:changesetid
Status: 200 OK
{ "id": 77, "parentId": 76, "comment": "checkin TaskOnBranch test", "creationDate": "2015-06-02T08:59:12", "guid": "799e4fd3-1161-4f8f-be4f-067dbe98ed89", "branch": { "name": "/main/scm003", "id": 1067, "parentId": 3, "lastChangeset": 1383, "comment": "text\r\n", "creationDate": "2015-06-02T08:46:11", "guid": "e99e8843-9bd9-43eb-ad67-c170b516a032", "owner": { "name": "testing01", "isGroup": false }, "repository": { "name": "default", "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }, "owner": { "name": "testing01", "isGroup": false }, "repository": { "name": "default", "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }
GET /api/v1/wkspaces/:wkname/changes
Name | Type | Description |
types | string | A comma-separated list detailing the desired change types to display in the response. Available types: added , checkout , changed , copied , replaced , deleted , localdeleted , moved , localmoved , private , ignored , hiddenchanged , controlledchanged , all |
Status: 200 OK
[ { "changes": [ "CH", "MV" ], "path": "c:\\Users\\scm-user\\wkspaces\\main-wk\\audio-prj\\orchestrated.fspro", "oldPath": "c:\\Users\\scm-user\\wkspaces\\main-wk\\audio-prj\\audio-prj.fspro", "serverPath": "/audio-prj/orchestrated.fspro", "oldServerPath": "/audio-prj/audio-prj.fspro", "isXlink": false, "localInfo": { "modifiedTime": "2015-07-02T11:16:07.0042908Z", "size": 57906, "isMissing": false }, "revisionInfo": { "id": 65, "parentId": -1, "itemId": 187, "type": "text", "size": 57896, "hash": "tLq1aWZ24MGupAHKZAgYFA==", "branchId": 3, "changesetId": 3, "isCheckedOut": false, "creationDate": "2015-04-09T09:51:20", "repositoryId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "owner": { "name": "scm-user", "isGroup": false } } } ]
DELETE /api/v1/wkspaces/:wkname/changes
Name | Type | Description |
paths | string[] | A list of file paths to be restored. They can be either full paths or workspace-relative paths. See examples for further info. |
{ "paths": [ "c:\\Users\\scm-user\\wkspaces\\main-wk\\audio-prj\\orchestrated.fspro" ] }
{ "paths": [ "audio-prj/orchestrated.fspro" ] }
Status: 200 OK
{ "affectedPaths": [ "c:\\Users\\scm-user\\wkspaces\\main-wk\\audio-prj\\orchestrated.fspro" ] }
GET /api/v1/wkspaces/:wkname/update
GET /api/v1/wkspaces/:wkname/switch
Status: 200 OK
{ "status": "Not running" }
Status: 200 OK
{ "status": "Failed", "message": "No route to host 'localhost:8084'" }
Status: 200 OK
{ "status": "Calculating", "totalFiles": 1356, "totalBytes": 3246739, "updatedFiles": 0, "updatedBytes": 0 }
Status: 200 OK
{ "status": "Running", "totalFiles": 1356, "totalBytes": 3246739, "updatedFiles": 356, "updatedBytes": 894433 }
Status: 200 OK
{ "status": "Finished", "totalFiles": 1356, "totalBytes": 3246739, "updatedFiles": 1356, "updatedBytes": 3246739 }
POST /api/v1/wkspaces/:wkname/update
Status: 200 OK
{ "status": "Running", "totalFiles": 0, "totalBytes": 0, "updatedFiles": 0, "updatedBytes": 0 }
POST /api/v1/wkspaces/:wkname/switch
Name | Type | Description |
objectType | string |
Required. The type of switch destination. It can be changeset, label or branch.
When performing the switch operation on a partial workspace, this object can be a changeset or a branch.
See examples for further detail. |
object | string | Required. The target point the workspace will be set to. |
{ "objectType": "branch", "object": "/main/task001" }
{ "objectType": "changeset", "object": "1136" }
{ "objectType": "label", "object": "BL001" }
Status: 200 OK
{ "status": "Running", "totalFiles": 0, "totalBytes": 0, "updatedFiles": 0, "updatedBytes": 0 }
GET /api/v1/wkspaces/:wkname/checkin
Status: 200 OK
{ "status": "Not running" }
Status: 200 OK
{ "status": "Failed", "message": "No route to host 'localhost:8084'" }
Status: 200 OK
{ "status": "Checkin finished", "totalSize": 57990, "transferredSize": 57990 }
POST /api/v1/wkspaces/:wkname/checkin
Name | Type | Description |
paths | string[] | The list of target paths to be checked in. Set to the workspace root if empty or not present. |
comment | string | The checkin comment. |
recurse | boolean | If set to true, directories present in the paths parameter will have their children recursively checked in. If paths is empty or not present, its value is overridden to true. Defaults to false. |
{ }
{ "comment": "Upgrade core engine" }
{ "paths": [ "src/foo.c", "src/bar/baz.c", "doc" ], "comment": "Upgrade core engine", "recurse": true }
Status: 200 OK
{ "status": "Checkin operation starting...", "totalSize": 0, "transferredSize": 0 }
GET /api/v1/repos/:repname/branches/:branchname/contents/:itempath
GET /api/v1/repos/:repname/changesets/:changesetid/contents/:itempath
GET /api/v1/repos/:repname/labels/:labelname/contents/:itempath
Directories will contain a list of items. Xlinks will contain an object referencing to the xlinked changeset.
GET /api/v1/repos/myrepo/branches/main/scm003/contents/src/lib/foo.c
GET /api/v1/repos/myrepo/changesets/5378/contents/src/lib/foo.c
GET /api/v1/repos/myrepo/labels/BL001/contents/src/lib/foo.c
Status: 200 OK
{ "revisionId": 771, "type": "file", "size": 57913, "name": "soundproject.fspro", "path": "/fmod/soundproject.fspro", "isUnderXlink": false, "hash": "/2ygGGfoXDq9bbKZJCzj9g==", "content": "http://localhost:9090/api/v1/repos/myrepo/revisions/771/blob", "repository": { "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "name": "myrepo", "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }
Status: 200 OK
{ "revisionId": 3648, "type": "directory", "size": 0, "name": "lib", "path": "/lib", "isUnderXlink": false, "items": [ { "revisionId": 6878, "type": "xlink", "size": 0, "name": "xlink", "path": "/lib/xlink", "xlinkTarget": { "changesetGuid": "41acf2bd-1484-4679-a634-2570d9a7801b", "changesetId": 2, "repository": "big", "server": "localhost:8084" } } ], "repository": { "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "name": "myrepo", "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }
Status: 200 OK
{ "revisionId": 2427, "type": "directory", "size": 0, "name": "mono", "path": "/lib/xlink/mono", "isUnderXlink": true, "items": [ { "revisionId": 46348, "type": "file", "size": 26383, "name": "COPYING.LIB", "path": "/lib/xlink/mono/COPYING.LIB", "hash": "uFbSL8ON1UNln1XUYeAc7w==", "content": "http://localhost:9090/api/v1/repos/myrepo/revisions/46348/blob" }, { "type": "directory", "size": 0, "name": "data", "path": "/lib/xlink/mono/data" } ], "repository": { "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "name": "myrepo", "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }
GET /api/v1/repos/:repname/revisions/:revid
Status: 200 OK
{ "revisionId": 3526, "type": "file", "size": 71, "name": "foo.c", "path": "/src/lib/foo.c", "changeset": 1406, "branch": "br:/main/scm003", "hash": "tNYiUA4VyMJxJrK0kic7mg==", "contents": "http://localhost:9090/api/v1/repos/myrepo/revisions/3526/blob", "repository": { "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "name": "myrepo", "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }
Status: 200 OK
{ "revisionId": 5355, "type": "directory", "size": 0, "name": "lib", "path": "/src/lib", "changeset": 1406, "branch": "br:/main/scm003", "repository": { "repId": { "id": 1, "moduleId": 0 }, "name": "myrepo", "guid": "c43e1cf9-50b0-4e0d-aca5-c1814d016425", "owner": { "name": "all", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }
GET /api/v1/repos/:repname/revisions/:revid/blob
Stream: application/octet-stream
GET /api/v1/repos/:repname/branches/:branchname/history/:itempath
GET /api/v1/repos/:repname/changesets/:changesetid/history/:itempath
GET /api/v1/repos/:repname/labels/:labelname/history/:itempath
GET /api/v1/repos/myrepo/branches/main/scm003/history/src/lib/foo.c
GET /api/v1/repos/myrepo/changesets/5378/history/src/lib/foo.c
GET /api/v1/repos/myrepo/labels/BL001/history/src/lib/foo.c
Status: 200 OK
[ { "revisionId": 104, "type": "text", "owner": { "name": "tester", "isGroup": false }, "creationDate": "2015-04-09T09:51:20", "comment": "Restore method implementation", "revisionLink": "http://localhost:9090/api/v1/repos/myrepo/revisions/104", "changesetId": 3, "changesetLink": "http://localhost:9090/api/v1/repos/myrepo/changesets/3", "branchName": "/main", "branchLink": "http://localhost:9090/api/v1/repos/myrepo/branches/main", "repositoryName": "myrepo", "repositoryLink": "http://localhost:9090/api/v1/repos/myrepo" } ]
GET /api/v1/repos/:repname/changesets/:changesetid/diff
GET /api/v1/repos/:repname/changesets/:changesetid/diff/:sourcechangesetid
If no source changeset ID is passed, the diff operation is performed using the parent changeset as source.
Status: 200 OK
[ { "status": "Changed", "path": "/lib/xlink", "isDirectory": true, "isUnderXlink": false, "xlink": { "changesetGuid": "ff92e897-b662-40f1-9a1f-a17349cbc7c6", "repository": "big", "server": "localhost:8084" }, "baseXlink": { "changesetGuid": "c75c04ec-3546-46e4-bbb7-031b523dca7d", "repository": "big", "server": "localhost:8084" }, "isItemFSProtectionChanged": false, "itemFileSystemProtection": "NOT_DEFINED", "repository": { "name": "default", "server": "localhost:8084" } }, { "status": "Changed", "path": "/lib/xlink/mono/.gitignore", "revisionId": 150892, "isDirectory": false, "size": 1616, "hash": "u0gJQzQnjLNUUHRI1+QQLg==", "isUnderXlink": true, "merges": [ { "mergeType": "Merged", "sourceChangeset": { "id": 3, "parentId": 2, "comment": "multiple changes", "creationDate": "2015-07-16T10:01:32", "guid": "4d064ea0-4694-41b2-adec-15c3df243dd7", "branch": { "name": "\/main\/scm002", "id": 150865, "parentId": 3, "lastChangeset": 3, "comment": "", "creationDate": "2015-07-16T10:01:30", "guid": "764c4842-aab8-451a-b802-29162d2a399f", "owner": { "name": "tester", "isGroup": false }, "repository": { "name": "big", "repId": { "id": 4, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "301b269c-6d24-4347-afc1-f095da43f3f2", "owner": { "name": "testing01", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }, "repository": { "name": "big", "repId": { "id": 4, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "301b269c-6d24-4347-afc1-f095da43f3f2", "owner": { "name": "testing01", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } } } ], "isItemFSProtectionChanged": false, "itemFileSystemProtection": "NOT_DEFINED", "modifiedTime": "2015-07-16T10:04:21", "createdBy": { "name": "tester", "isGroup": false }, "repository": { "name": "big", "repId": { "id": 4, "moduleId": 0 }, "server": "localhost:8084" } } ]
GET /api/v1/repos/:repname/branches/:branchname/diff
Status: 200 OK
[ { "status": "Changed", "path": "/lib/xlink", "isDirectory": true, "isUnderXlink": false, "xlink": { "changesetGuid": "ff92e897-b662-40f1-9a1f-a17349cbc7c6", "repository": "big", "server": "localhost:8084" }, "baseXlink": { "changesetGuid": "c75c04ec-3546-46e4-bbb7-031b523dca7d", "repository": "big", "server": "localhost:8084" }, "isItemFSProtectionChanged": false, "itemFileSystemProtection": "NOT_DEFINED", "repository": { "name": "default", "server": "localhost:8084" } }, { "status": "Changed", "path": "/lib/xlink/mono/.gitignore", "revisionId": 150892, "isDirectory": false, "size": 1616, "hash": "u0gJQzQnjLNUUHRI1+QQLg==", "isUnderXlink": true, "merges": [ { "mergeType": "Merged", "sourceChangeset": { "id": 3, "parentId": 2, "comment": "multiple changes", "creationDate": "2015-07-16T10:01:32", "guid": "4d064ea0-4694-41b2-adec-15c3df243dd7", "branch": { "name": "\/main\/scm002", "id": 150865, "parentId": 3, "lastChangeset": 3, "comment": "", "creationDate": "2015-07-16T10:01:30", "guid": "764c4842-aab8-451a-b802-29162d2a399f", "owner": { "name": "tester", "isGroup": false }, "repository": { "name": "big", "repId": { "id": 4, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "301b269c-6d24-4347-afc1-f095da43f3f2", "owner": { "name": "testing01", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } }, "repository": { "name": "big", "repId": { "id": 4, "moduleId": 0 }, "guid": "301b269c-6d24-4347-afc1-f095da43f3f2", "owner": { "name": "testing01", "isGroup": false }, "server": "localhost:8084" } } } ], "isItemFSProtectionChanged": false, "itemFileSystemProtection": "NOT_DEFINED", "modifiedTime": "2015-07-16T10:04:21", "createdBy": { "name": "tester", "isGroup": false }, "repository": { "name": "big", "repId": { "id": 4, "moduleId": 0 }, "server": "localhost:8084" } } ]
POST api/v1/wkpaces/:wkname/content/:path
Name | Type | Description |
addPrivateParents | boolean | If true, the command will add any parent directories which are not under version control yet. |
checkoutParent | boolean | If true, the parent node of the selected item will be checked out as a result. |
recurse | boolean | If true, causes all the children items to be recursively added. |
POST http://localhost:9090/api/v1/wkspaces/mywk/content/src/lib
{ "addPrivateParents": true, "checkoutParent": false, "recurse": true }
Status: 200 OK
{ "affectedPaths": [ "c:\\wkspaces\\mywk\\src\\lib\\descriptor.h", "c:\\wkspaces\\mywk\\src\\lib\\code.c" ] }
PUT api/v1/wkspaces/:wkname/content/:path
PUT http://localhost:9090/api/v1/wkspaces/mywk/content/src/lib/code.c
Status: 200 OK
{ "affectedPaths": [ "c:\\wkspaces\\mywk\\src\\lib\\code.c" ] }
PATCH api/v1/wkspaces/:wkname/content/:path
Name | Type | Description |
destination | string | Required. Destination path to move the selected item. |
PATCH http://localhost:9090/api/v1/wkspaces/mywk/content/src/lib/foo.c
{ "destination": "src/bar.c" }
Status: 200 OK
{ "affectedPaths": [ "c:\\wkspaces\\mywk\\src\\bar.c" ] }
DELETE api/v1/wkspaces/:wkname/content/:path
DELETE http://localhost:9090/api/v1/wkspaces/mywk/content/src/lib/code.c
Status: 200 OK
{ "affectedPaths": [ "c:\\wkspaces\\mywk\\src\\lib\\code.c" ] }
POST /api/v1/wkspaces/:wkName/merge
This operation doesn't support conflict resolution at the moment.
Name | Type | Description |
sourceSpec | string | Required. Specification of the source object to merge from. This specification can be: a branch specification, a label specification, a changeset specification, or a shelve specification. |
POST api/v1/wkspaces/mywk/merge
{ "sourceSpec": "br:/main/mybranch" }
Status: 200 OK
{ "resultStatus": "AncestorCalculated", "success": true, "status": "Completed", "message": "" }
PUT api/v1/wkspaces/:wkName/revert/:path_to_revert
Name | Type | Description |
changeset | number | Required. Number of the changeset that contains the revision which content you want to load in the workspace. |
PUT api/v1/wkspaces/mywk/revert/README.md
{ "changeset": 28 }
Status: 200 OK
{ "affectedPaths": [ "c:\\wkspaces\\mywk\\README.md" ] }
GET api/v1/wkspaces/:wkName/fileinfo/:path
GET api/v1/wkspaces/mywk/fileinfo/mypath/testFile
Status: 200 OK
{ "clientPath": "c:\\wkspaces\\mywk\\mypath\\testfile", "relativePath": "/mypath/testFile", "serverPath": "/testFile", "repSpec": "default@localhost:18084", "size": 7, "hash": "NfQs54soPuRtsMAnxwAK7O==", "owner": "user", "revisionHeadChangeset": 2, "revisionChangeset": 2, "status": "controlled", "type": "txt", "changelist": "" }
If the targeted path doesn't exist, this path will be treated as a private file:
{ "clientPath": "c:\\wkspaces\\mywk\\mypath\\testfile", "relativePath": "/mypath/testFile", "serverPath": "/testFile", "repSpec": "", "size": 0, "hash": "", "owner": "", "revisionHeadChangeset": -1, "revisionChangeset": -1, "status": "private", "type": "unknown", "changelist": "" }
If the targeted path is locked, the returned object will include the field locked
{ ..., "locked": { "lockedBy": "john", "lockedWhere": "coderepo" } }
If the targeted path is an Xlink, the returned object will include the field xlink
{ ..., "xlink": { "xlinkWritable": true, "xlinkRelative": true, "xlinkTarget": "15011@libraryrepo@myserver:8085", "xlinkName": "libxlink" } }
If the targeted path is under an Xlink, the returned object will include the field underXlink
{ ..., "underXlink": { "underXlinkWritable": false, "underXlinkRelative": true, "underXlinkTarget": "2@default@localhost:18084", "underXlinkPath": "/myxlink" } }
POST api/v1/wkspaces/:wkName/undelete
Name | Type | Description |
revSpec | string | Required. Specification of the revision whose contents will be loaded in the workspace. |
path | string | Required. Restore path. |
POST api/v1/wkspaces/mywk/undelete
{ "revSpec": "rev:itemid:70#cs:16", "path": "c:\\wkspaces\\mywk\\restoredFile" }
Status: 200 OK
{ "affectedPaths": [ "c:\\wkspaces\\mywk\\restoredFile" ] }
POST api/v1/wkspaces/:wkName/shelvesets
Name | Type | Description |
comment | string | Comment to apply when creating the shelveset. If empty or not present, the shelveset will have an empty comment. |
paths | string[] | A list of file paths to shelve. If empty or not present, shelves all the pending changes in the current workspace. |
POST api/v1/wkspaces/mywk/shelvesets
{ "comment": "Shelving text files.", "paths": ["c:\\wkspaces\\mywk\\file1.txt", "c:\\wkspaces\\mywk\\file 2.txt"] }
Status: 200 OK
{ "totalSize": 57990, "transferredSize": 57990, "status": "Checkin operation starting..." }
As this operation is actually a checkin, you can retrieve the checkin status by invoking:
GET api/v1/wkspaces/:wkName/checkin
And the response could be:
{ "status": "Checkin finished", "totalSize": 57990, "transferredSize": 57990 }
PATCH api/v1/wkspaces/:wkName/shelvesets/:shelvesetId
PATCH http://localhost:9090/api/v1/wkspaces/mywk/shelvesets/5
The information with the file conflicts, if any, will be returned.
Status: 200 OK
{ "conflicts": [ "c:\\wkspaces\\mywk\\conflictive_file" ] }
Folder conflicts are not supported and cause exception.
POST api/v1/wkspaces/:wkName/partialconfigure
Name | Type | Description |
instructions | string[] |
Required. One or more set of instructions. Each instruction is a pair of strings:
POST api/v1/wkspaces/mywk/partialconfigure
{ "instructions": [ { "path": "c:\\wkspaces\\mywk\\animations\\move01.mov", "action": "unload" }, { "path": "c:\\wkspaces\\mywk\\sounds\\sound02.wav", "action": "load" } ] }
Status: 200 OK
{ "totalFiles": 2, "totalBytes": 57893, "updatedFiles": 0, "updatedBytes": 0, "status": "Calculating" }
As this operation is actually an update, you can retrieve the update status by invoking:
GET api/v1/wkspaces/:wkName/update
And the response could be:
{ "status": "Finished", "totalFiles": 2, "totalBytes": 57893, "updatedFiles": 1, "updatedBytes": 25446, }
To perform an update operation on a partial workspace, you can launch the workspace update operation.
To perform a switch operation to a branch or to a changeset on a partial workspace, you can launch the switch workspace operation.
To perform a checkin operation on a partial workspace, you can launch the checkin pending changes operation.
As you know, the Plastic SCM client REST API is still in a development stage. This means that not every CLI/GUI operation is available for our API at the moment, much to our regret.
Unavailable operations
- Merge to
- Merge from is supported although it doesn't support conflict resolution yet.
- Query pagination
- Xlink management
- Replication
- Permissions management
- Delete shelveset
- Code reviews
- Annotate code
- Attribute management
- Statistics
- Trigger management
- Some Gluon compatibility (cm partial) operations: add, undo, checkout, undocheckout, move, remove.