Note: The PlasticSCM documentation site is migrating to the Unity Gaming Services documentation site. The content in this guide is integrated into the Tutorials section. For a detailed CLI reference, refer to Unity Version Control CLI.
Plastic SCM is a visual version control system. But, it can also be used from the command line.
This guide walks you step by step through common command line interface (CLI) scenarios to help you get familiar with Plastic.
Remember, you can always get more info about all the commands using cm help command_name.
Run the cm help objectspec command to learn about the definition of the different object specs supported by Plastic.
To create a new workspace, use the cm workspace create command.
>cm workspace create quakewk quake_path --repository=quake@localhost:6060 Workspace quakewk has been correctly createdThen, go to the newly created directory:
>cd quake_path >cm status /main@quake@localhost:6060 (cs:0 - head)Which is still on changeset 0 because there hasn't been an update yet. By default, the workspace is configured to use the branch main.
You can check what the latest changeset on the branch is by running cm status --head:
>cm status --head cs:573@quake@localhost:6060You can update to the latest changeset by simply typing:
>cm updateThe command then will start dumping all the info about the files being copied until it's up-to-date with latest changeset.
>cm status /main@quake@localhost:6060 (cs:573 - head)573 in this case.
To create a new branch, run the cm branch (or cm branch create) command:
> cm branch main/fix-1342As cm status shows, the current branch hasn't been switched to yet:
>cm status /main@quake@localhost:6060 (cs:573 - head)Since a starting point hadn't been specified, the new branch starts from the latest changeset on the parent branch, in this case, cset 573 at main. You can use the --changeset and --label modifiers to specify a given changeset or label to start the branch from.
Switch the workspace to the branch by using the switch command:
> cm switch main/fix-1342 Performing switch operation... Searching for changed items in the workspace... Setting the new selector... Plastic is updating your workspace. Wait a moment, please... The workspace c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path is up-to-date (cset:573@quake@localhost:6060)The new branch is still empty, so Plastic didn't update anything on the workspace to do the switch because fix-1342 points to the same cset 573.
To edit a file in your workspace and search for changes to locate it:
>vim code\FileSystem-renamed.cs >cm status /main/fix-1342@quake@localhost:8084 (cs:573 - head) Changed Status Size Last Modified Path Changed 80 bytes 6 seconds ago code\FileSystem-renamed.csstatus shows not only the wk configuration (as shown before) but also the files changed, checked-out, moved, deleted, and so on.
To move FileSystem-renamed.cs
to a new location:
Run status to find the moved file:
>cm status /main/fix-1342@quake@localhost:8084 (cs:573 - head) Moved Status Size Similarity Path Moved locally 86 bytes 99% code\FileSystem-renamed.cs -> code\lib\FileSystem.csWhere Moved locally means the file was moved outside of Plastic control, but it is able to find the moved file because it is still 99% similar to the previous version.
Then I can checkin my change easily:
>cm ci --all The selected items are about to be checked in. Please wait ... Assembling checkin data Validating checkin data Uploading file data Uploaded 0 bytes of 2.77 KB (0%) Confirming checkin operation Modified c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\code Modified c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\code\lib Modified and moved from c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\code\FileSystem-renamed.cs to c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\code\lib\FileSystem.cs Created changeset cs:575@br:/main/fix-1342@quake@localhost:6060 (mount:'/')The default ci command checks in all added files. With ci --all you're telling Plastic: detect everything that changed and perform a checkin. And all means: files that are changed, deleted or moved. We can also include private files by using ci --all --private.
Plastic SCM also supports the checkout-edit-checkin workflow.
The cm log command shows the changes made on a given cset or in a specific cset range:
>cm log cs:575 Changeset number: 575 Branch: /main/fix-1342 Owner: pablo Date: 7/18/2015 19:41:29 Comment: Changes: C code\lib\FileSystem.cs M code\lib\FileSystem.cs
In the last changeset checked in, the file FileSystem.cs
was modified and moved.
The command cm diff does something similar, but it is always limited to a given cset:
>cm diff cs:575 C "code\lib\FileSystem.cs" M "code\FileSystem-renamed.cs" "code\lib\FileSystem.cs"You can throw away all your pending changes and start from scratch.
Check the current status:
>cm status /main/fix-1342@quake@localhost:8084 (cs:575 - head) Changed Status Size Last Modified Path Changed 49.23 KB 2 hours ago code\bsp-renamed.c Changed 23.42 KB 2 hours ago code\cgame\cg_drawtools.c Changed 61.23 KB 8 minutes ago libs\cmdlib.h Changed 398 bytes 7 minutes ago libs\str.hTo undo changes, run the undo command recursively:
>cm undo -r c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\libs\str.h unchecked out correctly c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\libs\cmdlib.h unchecked out correctly c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\code\cgame\cg_drawtools.c unchecked out correctly c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\code\bsp-renamed.c unchecked out correctlyThe current status with no changes:
>cm status /main/fix-1342@quake@localhost:8084 (cs:575 - head)Note:
You can restrict the undo to specific change types by using the filter options:
Suppose you have the same changes as above, but this time, you have added and deleted a couple of files:
>cm status /main/fix-1342@quake@localhost:8084 (cs:575 - head) Changed Status Size Last Modified Path Changed 49.23 KB 2 hours ago code\bsp-renamed.c Changed 23.42 KB 2 hours ago code\cgame\cg_drawtools.c Changed 61.23 KB 9 minutes ago libs\cmdlib.h Changed 398 bytes 8 minutes ago libs\str.h Deleted Status Size Path Removed 12.41 KB code\bsp-temp.c Added Status Size Last Modified Path Added 4.42 KB 17 seconds ago code\bsp-experimental.cTo undo the Add and the Remove, but leave the changes untouched, use the filters:
>cm undo --added --deleted -r c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\code\bsp-experimental.c unchecked out correctly c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\code\bsp-temp.c unchecked out correctlyAnd now the status is:
>cm status /main/fix-1342@quake@localhost:8084 (cs:575 - head) Changed Status Size Last Modified Path Changed 49.23 KB 2 hours ago code\bsp-renamed.c Changed 23.42 KB 2 hours ago code\cgame\cg_drawtools.c Changed 61.23 KB 10 minutes ago libs\cmdlib.h Changed 398 bytes 9 minutes ago libs\str.hWhat if you just want to undo a single changed file?
Here, a couple of files have been modified:
>cm status /main/fix-1342@quake@localhost:8084 (cs:575 - head) Changed Status Size Last Modified Path Changed 15.83 KB 50 seconds ago code\cgame\cg_ents.c Changed 35.27 KB 30 seconds ago code\cgame\cg_main.c
To only undo the changes to cg_main.c
, run the following command:
You can undo a few changes under certain paths:
>cm status /main/fix-1342@quake@localhost:8084 (cs:575 - head) Changed Status Size Last Modified Path Changed 15.83 KB 50 seconds ago code\lib\be_aas_cluster.c Changed 35.27 KB 5 minutes ago code\cgame\cg_ents.c Changed 73.15 KB 5 minutes ago code\cgame\cg_localents.c Changed 62.62 KB 5 minutes ago code\renderer\tr_cmds.c Changed 12.26 KB 5 minutes ago merge\Socket.cs
To undo the changes under code
but leave the one under merge
And now the status is as expected:
>cm status /main/fix-1342@quake@localhost:8084 (cs:575 - head) Changed Status Size Last Modified Path Changed 12.26 KB 5 minutes ago merge\Socket.csYou can target the undo even more precisely using wildcards:
>cm status /main/fix-1342@quake@localhost:8084 (cs:575 - head) Changed Status Size Last Modified Path Changed 15.83 KB 4 minutes ago code\lib\be_aas_cluster.c Changed 3.14 KB 4 minutes ago code\lib\be_aas_cluster.h Changed 35.27 KB 8 minutes ago code\cgame\cg_ents.c Changed 3.24 KB 2 minutes ago code\cgame\cg_ents.h Changed 73.15 KB 8 minutes ago code\cgame\cg_localents.c Changed 6.14 KB 2 minutes ago code\cgame\cg_localents.h Changed 62.62 KB 8 minutes ago code\renderer\tr_cmds.c Changed 1.98 KB 2 minutes ago code\renderer\tr_cmds.h Changed 12.26 KB 8 minutes ago merge\Socket.cs
This time, to undo the header files under code
but leave the source files:
And now the status is as expected:
>cm status /main/fix-1342@quake@localhost:8084 (cs:575 - head) Changed Status Size Last Modified Path Changed 15.83 KB 5 minutes ago code\lib\be_aas_cluster.c Changed 35.27 KB 9 minutes ago code\cgame\cg_ents.c Changed 73.15 KB 9 minutes ago code\cgame\cg_localents.c Changed 62.62 KB 9 minutes ago code\renderer\tr_cmds.c Changed 12.26 KB 9 minutes ago merge\Socket.csYou can checkin specific modified files on a given path:
>cm status /main/fix-1342@quake@localhost:8084 (cs:575 - head) Changed Status Size Last Modified Path Changed 12.26 KB 5 minutes ago merge\Socket.cs Changed 42.26 KB 5 minutes ago q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\sort.sbk Changed 86.27 KB 5 minutes ago q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\spill.2bk Changed 85.27 KB 5 minutes ago q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\spill.sbk Changed 34.26 KB 5 minutes ago q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\stdarg.1bk Changed 34.26 KB 5 minutes ago q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\stdarg.2bk Changed 34.26 KB 5 minutes ago q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\stdarg.sbk
To only checkin the ones inside q3radiant\alpha
, run the checkin command:
In Plastic SCM, files can be changed, or they can be checked out. Hence you can follow two workflows: edit-checkin or checkout-edit-checkin.
Checking out a file just means telling Plastic "hey, I'm going to modify the file" so it adds the file to an internal list of checked out files.
There are 3 main reasons to work with checkouts:
Working in checkout-edit-checkin fashion is simple: run a cm co command before editing any file.
>cm co q3radiant\Bmp.cpp The selected items are about to be checked out. Please wait ... Item q3radiant\Bmp.cpp was correctly checked out >cm status /main/fix-1342@quake@localhost:8084 (cs:576 - head) Changed Status Size Last Modified Path Changed 12.26 KB 5 minutes ago merge\Socket.cs Checked-out 12.21 KB 65 minutes ago q3radiant\Bmp.cpp
is marked as checked-out instead of just changed.
Files moved using the cm mv command are considered to be another form of checked-out, as you can see in the following example:
>cm mv common\aselib.c q3asm common\aselib.c has been moved to q3asm >cm status /main/fix-1342@quake@localhost:8084 (cs:576 - head) Changed Status Size Last Modified Path Changed 12.26 KB 5 minutes ago merge\Socket.cs Checked-out 12.21 KB 65 minutes ago q3radiant\Bmp.cpp Moved Status Size Similarity Path Moved 88 bytes common\aselib.c -> q3asm\aselib.c
You see that aselib.c
is not "locally moved" but simply moved.
You can checkin the two checked-out files as follows:
>cm ci -c "changed bmp and moved aselib" The selected items are about to be checked in. Please wait ... Assembling checkin data Validating checkin data Uploading file data Uploaded 0 bytes of 9.26 KB (0%) Confirming checkin operation Modified c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\Bmp.cpp Modified c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\common Modified c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3asm Move from c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\common\aselib.c to c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3asm\aselib.c Created changeset cs:577@br:/main/fix-1342@quake@localhost:6060 (mount:'/')
Since the --all modifier hadn't been specified in the checkin, only the checked-out files were checked-in, and the Socket.cs
file is still a pending change:
Merging from the CLI is straightforward: run the cm merge command.
So far, changes were made in the main/fix-1342 branch, so they'll be merged in the main branch.
Switch to main:
>cm switch main Performing switch operation... Searching for changed items in the workspace... Cannot perform the switch to branch/label/changeset since there are pending changes. Please review the pending changes and retry the operation again.
The switch can't happen because the Socket.cs
file is left behind. You would undo the change first and try to switch again:
The switch command updates the workspace, replacing all the files changed on the branch with the versions in main.
Now the status is as follows:
>cm status /main@quake@localhost:6060 (cs:573 - head)Which is also reflected in the Branch Explorer:
Run the merge command:
>cm merge main/fix-1342 The file /q3radiant/Bmp.cpp#cs:577 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The file /q3radiant/alpha/osf/tst/sort.sbk#cs:576 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The file /q3radiant/alpha/osf/tst/spill.2bk#cs:576 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The file /q3radiant/alpha/osf/tst/spill.sbk#cs:576 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The file /q3radiant/alpha/osf/tst/stdarg.1bk#cs:576 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The file /q3radiant/alpha/osf/tst/stdarg.2bk#cs:576 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The file /q3radiant/alpha/osf/tst/stdarg.sbk#cs:576 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The file /code/lib/FileSystem.cs#cs:575 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The item /common/aselib.c has been moved to /q3asm/aselib.c on source and will be moved as result of the merge The item /code/FileSystem-renamed.cs has been moved to /code/lib/FileSystem.cs on source and will be moved as result of the mergeMerging without any modifier just prints a preview of what's going to be merged so it is very useful to understand what is going to happen.
In order to make the merge more interesting, the FileSystem-renamed.cs
file is modified (it was moved and renamed on the branch):
Re-run the merge and add a comment:
>cm merge main/fix-1342 -c="Added changes and fixes to the interface" The file /q3radiant/Bmp.cpp#cs:577 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The file /q3radiant/alpha/osf/tst/sort.sbk#cs:576 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The file /q3radiant/alpha/osf/tst/spill.2bk#cs:576 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The file /q3radiant/alpha/osf/tst/spill.sbk#cs:576 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The file /q3radiant/alpha/osf/tst/stdarg.1bk#cs:576 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The file /q3radiant/alpha/osf/tst/stdarg.2bk#cs:576 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The file /q3radiant/alpha/osf/tst/stdarg.sbk#cs:576 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The item /common/aselib.c has been moved to /q3asm/aselib.c on source and will be moved as result of the merge The item /code/FileSystem-renamed.cs has been moved to /code/lib/FileSystem.cs on source and will be moved as result of the merge The file /code/FileSystem-renamed.cs needs to be merged from cs:575 to cs:578 base cs:573. Changed by both contributors.
In the last line, FileSystem-renamed.cs
now needs a 3-way merge since it was modified by the two contributors.
Run the merge adding the --merge (to actually perform the merge), and the --commentsfile (to set the new changeset's comment from the file content) modifiers to the merge command:
>cm merge main/fix-1342 --merge --commentsfile=comment-merge-fix-1342.txt The file /q3radiant/Bmp.cpp#cs:577 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The file /q3radiant/alpha/osf/tst/sort.sbk#cs:576 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The file /q3radiant/alpha/osf/tst/spill.2bk#cs:576 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The file /q3radiant/alpha/osf/tst/spill.sbk#cs:576 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The file /q3radiant/alpha/osf/tst/stdarg.1bk#cs:576 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The file /q3radiant/alpha/osf/tst/stdarg.2bk#cs:576 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The file /q3radiant/alpha/osf/tst/stdarg.sbk#cs:576 was modified on source and will replace the destination version The item /common/aselib.c has been moved to /q3asm/aselib.c on source and will be moved as result of the merge The item /code/FileSystem-renamed.cs has been moved to /code/lib/FileSystem.cs on source and will be moved as result of the merge The file /code/FileSystem-renamed.cs needs to be merged from cs:575 to cs:578 base cs:573. Changed by both contributors. Merging c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3asm\aselib.c c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\common\aselib.c has been moved to c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3asm\aselib.c Merging c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\code\lib\FileSystem.cs c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\code\FileSystem-renamed.cs has been moved to c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\code\lib\FileSystem.cs Merging c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\Bmp.cpp The revision c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\Bmp.cpp@cs:577 has been loaded Merging c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\sort.sbk The revision c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\sort.sbk@cs:576 has been loaded Merging c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\spill.2bk The revision c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\spill.2bk@cs:576 has been loaded Merging c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\spill.sbk The revision c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\spill.sbk@cs:576 has been loaded Merging c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\stdarg.1bk The revision c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\stdarg.1bk@cs:576 has been loaded Merging c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\stdarg.2bk The revision c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\stdarg.2bk@cs:576 has been loaded Merging c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\stdarg.sbk The revision c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\stdarg.sbk@cs:576 has been loaded Merging c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\code\lib\FileSystem.cs Merge done
Plastic applies all merges to the workspace, and it launches the 3-way merge tool you've configured (by default, Plastic's Xmerge) to solve the conflicts in FileSystem.cs
. Note how FileSystem.cs
has been properly moved and renamed and that the file contents were correctly merged.
Now, if you run a status command, all merged files are in a checked-out status:
>cm status /main@quake@localhost:6060 (cs:578 - head) Pending merge links Merge from cs:577 at /main/fix-1432@test@localhost:8084 Changed Status Size Last Modified Path Checked-out (Merge from 577) 41.32 KB 6 hours ago code\lib\FileSystem.cs Replaced (Merge from 577) 42.26 KB 6 hours ago q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\sort.sbk Replaced (Merge from 577) 86.27 KB 6 hours ago q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\spill.2bk Replaced (Merge from 577) 85.27 KB 6 hours ago q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\spill.sbk Replaced (Merge from 577) 34.26 KB 6 hours ago q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\stdarg.1bk Replaced (Merge from 577) 34.26 KB 6 hours ago q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\stdarg.2bk Replaced (Merge from 577) 34.26 KB 6 hours ago q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\stdarg.sbk Replaced (Merge from 577) 12.21 KB 6 hours ago q3radiant\Bmp.cpp Moved Status Size Similarity Path Moved 14.41 KB code\FileSystem-renamed.cs -> code\lib\FileSystem.cs Moved 88 bytes common\aselib.c -> q3asm\aselib.c
You see new statuses in use now: Replaced which means that, for efficency, rather than copy the file in version control, a pointer to the original location on the branch is stored, and then the FileSystem.cs
file marked as a real Checked-out since it was merged.
At this point, the Branch Explorer looks like this:
The dashed-line means the merge is still in progress and it is not yet checked-in.
Now you can simply check-in using the cm ci command:
>cm ci -m "merged from fix-1342" The selected items are about to be checked in. Please wait ... Assembling checkin data Validating checkin data Uploading file data Uploaded 0 bytes of 2.80 KB (0%) Confirming checkin operation Modified c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\common Modified c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3asm Move from c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\common\aselib.c to c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3asm\aselib.c Modified c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\code Modified c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\code\lib Modified and moved from c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\code\FileSystem-renamed.cs to c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\code\lib\FileSystem.cs Modified c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant Replaced c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\Bmp.cpp Replaced c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\sort.sbk Replaced c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\spill.2bk Replaced c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\spill.sbk Replaced c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\stdarg.1bk Replaced c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\stdarg.2bk Replaced c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\quake_path\q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\stdarg.sbk Created changeset cs:579@br:/main@quake@localhost:6060 (mount:'/')To label the newly merged code, run the cm label command:
>cm label BL612 cs:579And the Branch Explorer now appears as:
To listing the repos on a given server, use the repository [list] command:
>cm repository codice@localhost:6060 pnunit@localhost:6060 nervathirdparty@localhost:6060 quake@localhost:6060
By default, repository shows the repos in the default server, which is the server you configure in your config wizard and is written in your client.conf
The repository list command is extremely helpful to diagnose connection issues with your server because you can also type different servers as follows:
>cm repository list --format=TABLE 4 codice 4_1 codice/unitymerge 5 pnunit 6 nervathirdparty 6_1 nervathirdparty/yamldotnet 6_2 nervathirdparty/yamldotnet_buildutils 35 licensetools 55 64 indexertest 1741 tts tube:dianaserver@codice.esPlastic SCM keeps a list of the workspaces you have on your machine (at least the ones it knows about because you can always copy a workspace from somewhere and Plastic will not have it on the list).
>cm workspace list codebase@MODOK c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\four doc@MODOK c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\doc mkt@MODOK c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\marketing quakecode@MODOK c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\testwkspaces\quakewk codicediana@MODOK c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\codicedianaThis guide is just a small piece of all the things you can do with the CLI. To find out what other commands are available, you can run cm showcommands.
Also, all commands come with built-in documentation of their options cm <command> --usage, and comprehensive help with examples cm <command> --help
There may be an occasion when the CLI isn't behaving as you expect, and you want to get in touch with our wonderful support team. To help them diagnose your issue, you can send them a zip-file full of useful diagnostic information, which you can generate using the cm support command as follows.
>cm support bundle c:\ Creating a new support bundle... Adding clientinfo.txt... Adding clientprocessinfo.txt... Adding client.conf... Adding filetypes.conf... Adding guiclient.conf... Adding mergetool.conf... Adding plastic.uisettings.conf... Adding plasticgui.conf... Adding syncviews.conf... Adding logs\plastic.debug.log.txt... Adding logs\plastic.relevant.log.txt... Support bundle created at c:\ CommandResult 0A script has been run which has made a bunch of changes to the source files, including a local move and delete. The status looks like this:
>cm status /main@quake@localhost:6060 (cs:578 - head) Deleted Status Size Path Removed locally 34.26 KB q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\stdarg.sbk Moved Status Size Similarity Path Moved locally 88 bytes 100% q3asm\aselib.c -> q3asm\aselib_fixed.cTo bring these changes under source control, now that the files have moved or been deleted, run the move or remove commands and create controlled changes:
>cm remove q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\stdarg.sbk Item q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\stdarg.sbk has been removed. >cm move q3asm\aselib.c -> q3asm\aselib_fixed.c q3asm\aselib.c has been moved to q3asm\aselib_fixed.c >cm status /main@quake@localhost:6060 (cs:578 - head) Deleted Status Size Path Removed 34.26 KB q3radiant\alpha\osf\tst\stdarg.sbk Moved Status Size Similarity Path Moved 88 bytes q3asm\aselib.c -> q3asm\aselib_fixed.cWhen working on some experimental code changes, you may want to save them in source control and share them with teammates, but you don't want to check them into any branch because they are experimental.
In this situation, use the shelveset command to, in effect, commit a changeset not associated with any branch.
>cm shelveset src\experimental_changes Uploading file data Confirming checkin operation Modified src\experimental_changes Created shelve sh:25@myrepo@localhost:8080 (mount:'/')To get back those experimental changes, use the apply subcommand to apply the shelveset to my workspace.
>cm shelveset apply sh:25 The item /newtonraphson.cs#sh:25 has been added on source and will be added as result of the merge Merging \src\experimental_changes\newtonraphson.cs The revision \src\experimental_changes\newtonraphson.cs@sh:25 has been loadedAn often overlooked feature of the Plastic CLI is that it can read arguments from stdin one-by-one, using the - option, like this:
>cm add - a.txt b.txt c.txt The selected items are about to be added. Please wait ... Item c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\mcga\a.txt was correctly added Item c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\mcga\b.txt was correctly added Item c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\mcga\c.txt was correctly added >cm ci - a.txt b.txt c.txt The selected items are about to be checked in. Please wait ... \ Checkin finished 12 bytes/12 bytes [##################################] 100 % Modified c:\mcga Added c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\mcga\a.txt Added c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\mcga\b.txt Added c:\Users\pablo\wkspaces\mcga\c.txt Created changeset cs:22@br:/main@test@localhost:8084 (mount:'/') >cm rm - a.txt Item a.txt has been removed. b.txt Item b.txt has been removed. c.txt Item c.txt has been removed.This is useful because it means you can pipe output from other commands into cm.
The following commands accept piped paths:
Now there's nothing stopping you building cool scripts using pipe and cm together!